Museum Life

Director’s Message

Jharkhand state is quite rich with its minerals as well as its cultural heritage. The state is inhabited by man right from the pre-historic time. So many archaeologically valuable antiquities belonging to hoary part are lying here and there in the area. Several pre-historic monuments are also there but no body to recognize them.  Obviously the people of this state were not even aware of the subject archaeology. So, just to create awareness among the people about the archaeological history of this area and also for the proper keep up and safe display of the antiquities found here, House of Science & Culture Studies undertaken and run the Zarina Khatoon Museum cum Research Centre in which collection of the valuable antiquities are displayed for the benefit of Scholars, Students and the general masses.

This museum is a small modal of a great dream, in which all the conservation and research institutes will be constructed at a single campus and it will be one of the biggest research centers of the country. This will be a biggest centre for promoting cultural democracy and national integration. We have a number of missions and plans a dream to come true, but the problem is the lack of resources which plays vital role in the development of the centre.

Aforesaid museum needs financial and moral supports for rapid development in the common interest of the entire locality including Ramgarh district and as well as for the Jharkhand state.

At last we give thanks to all the members of Ramgarh Citizen Forum and specially to Dr. K. Chandra (Heart Specialist & President of R.S.F) & Dr. Leo Anthony (Sec. R.S.F) who’s fund make possible to make this website.


Faiyaz Ahmad

Director – Zarina Khatoon Museum-cum- Research Centre ,

Tipu Road,  Chitarpur

Mail –

Contact + 91 9934146524

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